
19 de octubre de 1959

  • Opening of the 9th International Convention of the American Society of Travel Agents Inc. (ASTA), where Fidel expounded Cuba’s tourist plans. He said: “Cuba will have a great future when it opens its doors to trade with the whole world.”
  • Press conference given to journalists accredited to ASTA Convention. 
  • Speech given at the Workers’ Palace Theater, on the occasion of the Bank Employees’ Day, organized by the Cuban Workers’ Trade Union. Fidel said: “There has come the end of the propaganda monopoly rule of certain interests. What counts is people’s opinion.”
  • Meeting and pictures with the members of the militia called “Los Malagones”, from Pinar del Río province, who had caught Corporal Lara, a counterrevolutionary insurgent on Sierra de los Órganos mountains.