
“The true law and order is that which is based on freedom, on respect for justice, and not on force”.

References to the original: Speech delivered by Fidel at “Céspedes” Park, Santiago de Cuba

“The Revolution means: true justice that allows men to acquire knowledge that serves for working for the benefit of others”.

References to the original: Speech delivered at the ceremony for the constitution of the construction workers’ Committee for the Defense of the Revolution at the metropolitan public works district

"Where the roads of the peoples are closed, where the repression of the workers and peasants is fierce, where the domination of the Yankee monopolies is stronger, the first and most important thing is to understand that it is neither just nor correct to entertain the peoples with the vain and accommodating illusion of pulling out, by legal means that do not exist and will not exist, from the dominant classes, entrenched in all the positions of the State, monopolizers of instruction, owners of all the vehicles of dissemination and possessors of infinite financial resources, a power that the monopolies and the oligarchies will defend with blood and fire with the force of their police forces and their armies".

References to the original: Remarks at the Second National Assembly of the People of Cuba held at the Revolution Square, February 4, 1962
“The Revolution opened the way to justice; the Revolution opened the way to the truth; the Revolution opened the way to the future. This is the path that our people are proudly, joyfully and firmly following today…”
References to the original: Speech made at the dedication of the Lenin Hospital in the city of Holguin.

"We the Non-Aligned Movement countries insist that it is necessary to eliminate the abysmal inequality that separates the developed countries from the developing countries. We are fighting for that in order to abolish the poverty, hunger, disease and illiteracy that still plague hundreds of millions of human beings. We strive for a new world order, based on justice, equity and peace (...)"


"(...) asking for, and should definitely fight for, is for the inevitable globalization taking place today according to the laws of history to be the globalization of fraternity and cooperation among all peoples, of sustainable development and a fair distribution and rational use of the abundant material and spiritual riches that man can create with his hands and mind, as an indispensable premise for the inescapably common homeland of a humanity that can, and should, endure".

References to the original: Speech at the special meeting of heads of State and Government of Cariforum. Santo domingo, Dominican Republic, August 21, 1998

“Today more than ever we must be followers of Bolívar. Now more than ever we must raise the banner with the concept that humanity is our motherland, aware that we can only be saved if humanity is saved. We can only be free --and we are very far from being free-- if and when humanity is free. If and when we achieve a really fair world, which is possible and probable”.

References to the original: Speech given at the Aula Magna of the Central University of Venezuela, February 3, 1999