
"(...) it is truly laudable, the degree of integrity which has evolved in this country, the civic-mindedness of this people, the discipline of this people, the spirit of this people; really, I'm proud of the entire people, I have tremendous faith in the people of Cuba. It's worthwhile, making sacrifices for this people".

References to the original: Speech on his arrival in Havana on 8 January 1959
“Our people know very well how different the conduct of the fighters has always been throughout the history of the Revolution because, above all things, the principles of the Revolution, the moral of the Revolution, the discipline of the Revolution and the dignity of the Revolution have prevailed.”
References to the original: Speech delivered at the Central Ceremony for the 20th Anniversary of the September 5 Revolutionary Uprising, on September 5, 1977.

“Sports require discipline, and they teach children and young people a great deal about discipline, resistance, stability, perseverance and courage. They help build character and promote better health and physical and mental development”.

References to the original: Speech delivered by Commander-in-Chief Fidel Castro Ruz, first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba, August 13, 1999

“To begin with, I will say that neither in the first or the second half of this century nor at any other time in history has a country done or achieved as much in sports as Cuba in an extremely short period of time. And it is a small Third World country, one that is additionally subjected to an economic blockade by the wealthiest and mightiest nation on Earth as well as to a thousand different forms of harassment and aggression”.

References to the original: Speech delivered by Commander-in-Chief Fidel Castro Ruz, first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba, August 13, 1999

"To speak of physical exercise and sports is to speak of health; it is to speak of discipline, of forming young people’s character, of healthy habits, of the battle against drugs. Sports are the antithesis of drugs; sports are the antithesis of alcoholism. Sports and physical exercise are a preventive remedy for many illnesses that can kill or disable, such as obesity, or a decrease in a person’s faculties".

References to the original: Speech by the 40th anniversary of INDER and the opening of the International School of Physical Education and Sports, February 23, 2001

"The methods, discipline and rigor of the National Ballet School have produced formidable artists".

References to the original: Key address at the opening ceremony of the 18th Havana International Ballet Festival, October 19, 2002

“Our people are well aware of the standards that have governed over the irreproachable conduct of our Revolution since the first combat and that has never been sullied throughout more than half a century. They also know that they can never be pressured or blackmailed by their enemies. Our laws and regulations will invariably be abided by”.

References to the original: Reflections by Comrade Fidel: "THE FRUIT THAT DID NOT FALL", January 24, 2012